Children/Youth Services

In 2020, 40.6% of the refugees settled in the United States were under the age 18, according to the Office of Immigration Statistics.  Nashville is no stranger to welcoming children as refugees.   The refugee children who resettle in South Nashville in their middle school years are the ones that struggle with the language and course work.  They are also the ones who can break the generational cycles and help their families thrive in America.

  • Mentor Program

    Thrive plans to provide programming, mentorships, tutoring, and fellowship starting with Middle School refugee students. This mentor program will follow them through their high school years and beyond. Thrive plans to have a mentor program that matches youth with an adult volunteer.  The mentor program will help with tutoring, life skills, future goals, and other skills.  

  • Bible Study

    A hopeful outlook is indispensable for maintaining a positive, upward trajectory toward successful lives. This hopeful outlook includes spiritual wholeness. Thrive plans to encourage times of Bible study in groups so individuals can see the way God is working in their lives. Currently, Thrive is offering a Sunday morning Bible study for resettled middle and high school refugees at a local church.

  • Childcare for Adult Education and Programs.

    One of the biggest barriers for the refugee population in South Nashville to access our services is childcare.  Thrive plans to offer free childcare services for preschool children of the students who are participating in an Adult Education class.

  • Learn more about Adult Education

  • Learn more about Social Work

  • Learn more about Trauma Services